University of Anbar Signs a Memorandum of scientific cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology - Space and Telecommunications service.

In Arabic
University of Anbar Signs a Memorandum of scientific cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology - Space and Telecommunications service.

In pursuance of the university's strategic vision to open up to the Iraqi organizations and centers of research and to fulfill the objectives of the government's program , University of Anbar signed a memorandum of scientific cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Technology – Space and Telecommunications Service (STS). 

The memorandum was signed by Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al Nida (the vice-chancellor for scientific affairs- University of Anbar) who was authorized by the University rector Dr. Khalid Battal Al Najim and Dr. Abdul Kareem Abid Ali (the director of the space and telecommunications service) in the presence of Dr.Sabah Amusawi (the general supervisor at the Ministry of Science and Technology). The latter stressed the importance of scientific cooperation among Iraqi research institutions and the development of the research staff. This will have a positive impact on the academic reputation of the Iraqi Universities. He was also pleased that University of Anbar had been proactive and responsive for these sorts of scientific initiatives. Al Musawi also expressed his admiration for the scientific reputation and standing attained by the University of Anbar.

Furthermore, the Vice-chancellor for scientific affairs Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al Nida reviewed the scientific progress of the University and how the University gained a prominent place among the Iraqi and Arab-universities. He also reviewed its desire to scientific advancement and to activate the memorandum and make it work through University's willingness to receive researchers from the Ministry to participate in the conferences, lectures, seminars, and scientific publishing held at its colleges and departments. 

University of Anbar also expressed its readiness to receive research plans and encourage the teaching staff and the post graduate students through the joint supervision. All this to invest the experiences, scientific instruments and the laboratory supplies of the both sides in the scientific research. In addition, the STS's programs, laboratories and capacities, particularly with regard to aerial photos and remote sensing devices, will be available to the students and staff of the University of Anbar. The parties further agreed to continue coordination and mutual visits. The meeting was attended by the directors of the centers and sections of the space and telecommunications service and also by Dr. Ammar Hatim Kamil the director of the department of scholarships and foreign cultural relations at University of Anbar. 

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