Success of E-Test Experiment for Postgraduate Applicants

In Arabic
Success of E-Test Experiment for Postgraduate Applicants

UOA announced the success of th E-test experiment for postgraduate applicants for the academic year 2018/2019. Th E-test was conducted without any problems or obstacles on Monday, 25/6/2018. The E-test was conducted in five selected colleges of the univrsity, namely; College of Medicine- MSC. Microbiology, College of Administration & Economics-MA. & PhD. Economics, College of Arts-MA. English, College of EDucation for Women- MA. Geography & MSC. Biology, and College of Science- MSC. & PhD. Physics. The committees supervising the E-tst in these departments passed 4 training workshops and  laboratories, networking, and program installation were equipped for the E-test by the deaneries of the concerned colleges. Specialized teams conducted field tours to monitor and ensure the success of th experiment. This feat is to be added to UOA long list of successes that was conduced under exceptional conditions. Finally, the presidency of UOA wishes to thank the deans, dean-assistants, directors of scientific departments in the concerned colleges, staff membrs of the Higher studies dEpartment, and the Computers centers for the great efforts they exerted to make this experiment succeed. 


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