UOA President Receives General Director of Anbar Education

In Arabic
UOA President Receives General Director of Anbar Education

 Monday 25/6/2018, President of UOA and his Scientific assistant received the general director of Anbar Education Dr. Nafi Hussein and discussed the buccalureate examination for Seconadary Study that th university currently hosts on campus. Agreement was reached on a mechanism of reciprocal cooperation to conduct the examination successfully through the formation of co-committees to facilitate the technical and logistic procedures related to guiding and transporting students to examination halls on campus. UOA allocated 60 guides of its staff to direct the examinees to their examination seats. UOA also provided many buses to transport the examines from the main gate of the university to the colleges were examinations are hosted. Watching over examinationa and tst sheets distribution shall be the exclusive responsibility of the General Directorat of Education in Anbar.  

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