A Symposium on Dust & Sand Storms

In Arabic
A Symposium on Dust & Sand Storms

Monday, 7/5/2018,the president of UOA and the director of Anbar health office attended a symposium organized by Derasat center on the causes, spoting, early warning, and treatment of dust and sand storms. The symposim sheded lights on the impact of dust and dust storms on agricultural production and the preventive ways and suggestions to protect plants, plant zone, and  combat desertification. Researchers from UOA and outside widely participated in the symposium who lectured on issues of desertification, aridity, and sand dunes which amount to a natural disaster on human and natural environment. The lecturers also tackled the issue of climate changes and their impact on all living beings. Presentation aws made on modern technology of remote sensing used in the analysis and spoting of dust and sand storms in order to take effective measures to counter the expansion of desertification and aridity spots and the locations qualified to form sand dunes. The symposim was concluded with a recommendation of a band of strategies and programs to figure out new means of remote sensing of these dust and dust storms and promoting further effects to establish green covers and the cultivation of suitable locations for such covers. After the symposium, the lectureers were awarded with appreciation certificate.


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