UOA president Inaugurates Buildings of Engineering Workshops

In Arabic
UOA president Inaugurates Buildings of Engineering Workshops

Accompanied by Prof. Dr. Aaref Saleh Mukhlef, administrative vice-president of UOA, representatives of UNDP in Iraq, and a number of college deans and staff-members, the president of UOA, Prof. Dr. khalid Battal Al-Najem inaugurated the rehabilitated buildings of the engineering workshops of the college of engineering. Prof. al-najem congratulated the college, its staff, and the university on this occasion. The workshops that were damaged severely by terrorist acts were restored to work in a record time of six months. They are now even in a better shape than before as they were provided by air-conditioning and other installations. Prof. al-Najem states that the college is still in need of huge support to acquire necessary laboratories to help its postgraduate candidates to carry on their research. The president of UOA toured the halls of the engineering workshops and appreciated the efforts of the supervising engineers and made valuable remarks on many issues in this regard.

On the fringe of this inauguration the college of engineering organized a festivity which commenced with a recitation of the Holy Quraan and reading the sura of Fatiha to the souls of the martyres of Iraq and the university. The dean of the college Prof. DR. Ibrahim al-Jumaily made a speech on the huge damages that the college received and the role of UNDP in its reconstruction. In a speech made by the president of UOA, Prof. Al-Najem said that on this day he remembers clearly this department when I was chairing it and today it reverts back to its former state through all the combined efforts in cooperation with UNDP. He also said that he notices expressions of happiness and joy among the students, and this is a clear indication of their sense of belonging to their university. Prof. al-Najem added that the university is back to its former state and shall be better that before because we have the spirit of challange and persistence to carry on the scientific process of our dear university.

As part of the festivity the head of te department of civil engineering made a detailed presentation on the department during the hard years of forced displacement, how the terrorist organization forced into the campus, holding students' examinations in alternative sites after the rehabilitaion of classrooms, and the resuming of study in alternative sites and the efforts of the university to go back to its original campus in Ramadi city as well.

At the end of the festivity the dean of the college awarded the president of UOA and his administrative assistant with the shield of appreciation and gratitude. Appreciation certificates were also awarded to some of the college staff members.


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