4th DEbate Symposium of Center of Strategic Studies

In Arabic
4th DEbate Symposium of Center of Strategic Studies

Under the sponsorship of Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najem President of University of Anbar and in Cooperation with Al-Nahrain Center of Strategic Studies at the National Security Advisory the Center of Strategic Studies at University of Anbar Organizes its 4th Debate Symposium on "Educational Styles to Counter Extremism-based Terrorism in Iraq" on the Ramadi Campus-Hall of the Desert Studies Center on May 6th, 2018

Debate Director: Assist. Prof. Dr. Thaer shaker Mahmood-Director of Strategic Studies Center

Tracks of the Symposium:
1st Track:

Dr. Noha Aaref Al-Drweesh-Head of Violent Extremism at Al-Nahrain Center of Strategic Studies

"Educational Style to Counter Extremism-based Terrorism at Childhood Period: Effective Recommendations & Mechanisms"

2nd Track:

Major General Khalid Al-Bayati- Researcher at the violent Extremism Department at Al-Nahrain Center of Strategic Studies

3rd Track:

Mr. Jameel Mohi Al-Waeli- Researcher at the Media Department at Al-Nahrain Center of Strategic Studies

"Cybernetic Security & Counter Extremism "

4th Track:

Mr. Qassim Kadum- Researcher at the security Department at Al-Nahrain Center of Strategic Studies

"Daesh (ISSL) Message in 22/4/2018 as threat to the electorial Process"

5th Track:

Prof. Saada Hamdi Swaidan- Staff-Member at Department of Educational & Psychological Sciences at College of Education for Humanities-University of Anbar





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