Honoring the Higher Certificates Holders, the Retired and the Delegates

In Arabic
Honoring the Higher Certificates Holders, the Retired and the Delegates

 Confirming his support towards the university staff and out of his encouragement to the scientific research , Anbar president Prof. Dr. Khalid Batal Al-Najm honored holders of Master & Ph.D. certificates (from an.1, 2017 up to Dec., 31, 2017 ) , the retired and the delegates abroad with a Letter of Appreciation with the attendance of  ( Prof. Dr. Arif Saleh Mikhlif ) his assistant for Administrative and Staff Affairs of Anbar University.

          The university president mentioned in his speech that attaining a higher certificate is considered a scientific achievement at the personal and university levels and it is the opening of a new stage of work and scientific research not only the end of the way as some others think.



          In relation to this , he confirmed that the university will always be opened-doors to the retiree of its teaching staff whom  should be issued an identification badge or ID as he/she was distinguished through his/her service at the classroom .He added that the university intends to establish a union for the  retiree in case a suitable funding is budgeted.The administrative assist.  drew upon this matter , confirming that honoring the high certificates holders and the retiree is the first time is adopted by the university presidency meeting two generations at the same time .

          In relation  to this  , the university president honored Prof. Dr. Abddulwahid Al-Kubaisi for his composed and written academic resources in humanities along with the ex-university president ( prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Hamadani ) undertitle ( Functioning the Scientific  Inimitability Ijaz in Quran and Prophetic Hadiths in Teaching Chemistry  ) in addition to honoring Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman Salman Juma'a for writing the best book in the scientific areas entitled ( Basics of Sophisticated Analysis ) .


          This honoring was attended by the directors of Higher Studies Affairs Depts. , Human Resources , Cultural Relations , Information and Public Relations Depts. . of the university presidency 

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