College of Engineering Celebrates Graduating a New Batch of Its Students for the Academic Year ( 2017-2018)

In Arabic
College of Engineering Celebrates Graduating a New Batch of Its Students for the Academic Year ( 2017-2018)

 5 April , 2018 was an ever-memorable date for the College of Engineering  which celebrated the graduation of a new batch of its students for the academic year ( 2017-2018)  of its five scientific departments (( Civil Engineering , Mechanical Engineering , Dams & Water Resources Engineering, Electrical Engineering , Chemical Engineering & Petrochemical Engineering )) .This festival was carried at the steps of the grand hall of the university campus .The festival was attended by Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jumaili the dean of the meant college , the assist. dean for the Scientific Affairs , heads of the engineering departments , instructors , employees and families of the graduates .

          Some verses of the Holy Quran were recited after welcoming the guests .The word of the dean was next through which he and the attendants; in particular the students; recalled the difficult circumstances that passed on the college , university and its students during displacement period and ,on the other hand , the steadfastness and persistence by all to continue the scientific process .He added " Today by God's will followed  by your efforts , the efforts of  your professors and  your families ,we all celebrate your graduation to be efficient engineers in all fields , wishing you success and  excellency in your life ." The student Bilal Hashim ; the representative of the students; gave the  speech of the graduates in which he thanked  the university presidency , the deans and their assistants  ,  heads of Depts. ,the scientific and administrative staff for their excellent efforts , congratulating his palls to have a successful life .Many photos were taken with the teaching staff .

          Our wishes to our students to have a successful future in their scientific career and for our university more progress and development .


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