The Scientific Assistant of Anbar University President and His Research Team Achieve a New Scientific Patent

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The Scientific Assistant of Anbar University President and His Research Team Achieve a New Scientific Patent

 Throughout a new Scientific patent registering , a new genetic of Tuberculosis (TB) for the first time in Iraq ,  the Scientific Assistant of Anbar University President Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida  and his research team Achieve a new Scientific patent registering of the genes accD3 of Iraqi bacteria series at the data base of Gene Bank , EMBL and DDBJ .This gene is considered one of the new medical aims of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis of the multi- drugs  resistant according to the recorded reports explained in the table above .

The research team included :

-         Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida , the Scientific Assistant of Anbar University President / Head of committee .

-         Assist. Prof. Dr. Zahra Al-Khafaji – Institute of the Genetic Engineering – University of Baghdad / Member .

Assist. Dr. Isra'a Adnan Abduljaleel – College of Pharmacy – University of Anbar / Member 

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