UOA Holds an Obituary to the Souls of its two University Deceased Professors

In Arabic
UOA Holds an Obituary to the Souls of its two University Deceased Professors


With the attendance of President of Anbar University Prof. Dr.Khalid Batal Al-Najim , the scientific assist ,  a number of the colleges' deans, number of the teaching staff , students   and the relatives of the deceased : prof. Dr.Sabah Mahmood Al-Rawi , a former professor , Dept. of Geography ; the College of Education for Humanities and Dr. Sadoon Abid Hameed , a former professor ;  Dept.  of Biology- College of Education for Women  ,presidency of Anbar held an obituary to the souls of its two university deceased professors at the Grand Conferences Hall where the university president received the condolers referring that the two deceased were adequate scientific figures who served the higher education generally and University of Anbar in particular .He added that many of the undergraduates , postgraduates : Master and PhD students benefitted from their knowledge .


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