Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research Launches a National Million- Tree Project

In Arabic
Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research Launches a National Million- Tree Project

 Office of Research and Development of Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research organized a workshop about the national project to plant a million tree .Many  representatives of Colleges of Agricultures of different universities participated in this project .

          Deputy of the minister for scientific affairs Dr. Fuad Qasim Mohammed said that this project is considered a main factor for having beautiful and anti-desertification healthy cities in cooperation the specialized related offices of the ministry .

          Deputy of the ministry added that this project aims at encouraging cultivating how to plant trees to reduce the outcomes of the climate changes in Iraq and to create a healthy environment .

          The workshop which was entitled (We Plant and afforest  for a Safe & Unified Iraq ) contained four aspects : The first one ,which  was presented by Dr. Ahmed Saleh , tackled evaluating the percentage of draught and desertification cross Iraqi lands .The second , which was presented by Dr. Husam Saaduldeen  Mohammed dealt with the role of palm trees in afforestation projects , whereas the third one, presented by consultant agricultural engineer Adnan Hashim Mohammed by of Baghdad Mayoralty , was about designing the Victory Tree .And the last one , presented by Mr. Oday Hasan Saeed Al-Asadi , was about the activities of afforestation by the participated parties with the Ministries of Higher Education and scientific Research and Education .

          They came out with recommendations to necessitate  putting a work plan for anti-desertification and afforestation by using different types of shrubs resistant to draught and social cultivation about the agricultural recognition throughout afforestation projects in addition to authoring scientific and suitable curricula that best support programmed irrigation techniques and anti-desertification .

          By the side of the workshop , the deputy of the ministry Dr. Fuad Qasim Mohammed delivered Letters of Appreciations  to the participants



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