University President Meets the Councils of English Language Depts

In Arabic
University President  Meets the Councils of English Language Depts

 Prof. Dr. Khalid Batal Al-Najim ; president of Anbar University ; met the teaching staff of the councils of English language departments including : College of Arts , College of Education for Humanities and College of Education for Women .

          At the beginning of the meeting , his presidency welcomed the attendants where the available  means of developing the process of teaching  the English language were discussed including the non-departmental ones .

          The presidents affirmed that the English is considered as a key for developing the university and as a basis in developing the different sciences . He gave his directions to the teaching staff to encourage the students to use English  in their conversations in English and with their professors even out classes time so this could be as an incentive to learn English properly .

          Some of the professors gave many suggestions that could best develop English language like defining the disciplines necessary to help in choosing and allowing the qualified  students to enroll in , using auditory language  labs  , delegating students to practice language abroad and holding courses for this purpose .

          Nevertheless , the president of the university promised to put the above-mentioned points among his priorities with the available capabilities .  

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