Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Engineering on a Field Tour to a State Company of Ministry of Reconstruction & Housing

In Arabic
Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Engineering  on a Field Tour to a State Company of Ministry of Reconstruction  & Housing


On March 3, 2018 , the Undergraduates of the Dept. of Civil Engineering / Faculty of Engineering paid a visit to the main office of  Al-Mutasim ( a state company of Ministry of Reconstruction  & Housing ) located  in Ramadi within the process of application and a practical experience of the theatrical study at university and societal establishments . According to the directions of the related  ministry in this respect , the 4th stage students   of  the Dept. of Civil Engineering / Faculty of Engineering of Anbar university held a scientific field visit  under the supervision of prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-jumaili , dean of the faculty  to ( Al-Mutasim State Company for General contracting / Ramadi site ) of the Ministry of Reconstruction & Housing .

          The students were accompanied by :

Asst. prof. Dr. Akram Shakir Mahmood / head of the department

Assist . instructor Shaho mahmood Hamah / tutor

Assist instructor Zaidon Mehsin / tutor


          This scientific visits aims at noticing the most important engineering applications used in casting the pre-stressed  concrete girders  which are considered very important in building bridges .The engineers supervising the concrete girders casting explained to our students the work progress in regard to girder casting in addition to discussing  many engineering and scientific matters and fixing many problems that face the bridges enterprises .

          After that , the students toured through the site of the central concrete mixer of the company in order to have an idea about producing high-  quality specifications concrete under  the controll of engineers .

          The visit was concluded after university supervisors and the students thanked the staff in charge of the site , wishing them ongoing progress and success .


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