A Workshop at Governmental Contracts Section

In Arabic
A Workshop at Governmental Contracts Section

 Honored by the attendance of the administrative assist. of Anbar University president  Prof. Dr. Arif Saleh Mikhlif ,the Governmental Contracts Section of the University Presidency Holds a workshop about Work Performance Technique no. (1) of 2018 .

          Dr. Arif Saleh gave his legal and organizational instructions in this respect in addition to the engineers , accountants and lawmen of the university presidency and colleges who could be members of these committees in future .Directors of governmental contracts , Legal section , Reconstruction, Financial sections and Enterprises Sections gave detailed explanation about this law , the nature of these committees and the financial procedures related to code no. (1) of 2018 which deals with the performance mechanism of Work Implementation Committee in cooperation with Reception Committee in addition to the instructions of the Federal budget .



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