Association Representatives of Anbar university Alumni Elected

In Arabic
Association Representatives of  Anbar university Alumni  Elected


On March 8 , 2018  at the hall of Faculty of Economy & Administration and under a direct  supervision of the scientific Assistant of Anbar university president and head of the Central Committee supervising  Anbar university Alumni  Association Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida , University of Anbar (UoA) held the first Constituent conference of Anbar University Alumni Association to which a great number has attended ( about 225 alumni most of them were the top students  ) .

The conference has been commenced  by speech of the scientific Assistant of Anbar university president and head of the Central Committee supervising  Anbar university Alumni  Association Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida who welcomed the attendants warmly and at his part , he also showed the vision of Anbar university for supporting this pioneering try at the national level and clearly explained the objectives of practicing and establishing the university Alumni Association and its future goals through this association in addition to its election  clauses and mechanism .

          As a complementary part , Dr. Atyaf Abdulqahar ; a supervising member of the committee of establishing the association ; has presented a data show stating the strategic dimension of the vision , mission and message of establishing the association and its administrative construction .

A space was given to electing the administrative board which consisted 40  administrators whose missions cover the scientific , social , cultural , athletic and financial matters .

This election event has been carried out in three stages ; the first was to elect the head of the association and his/her  assistants .This event has been re-practiced after the two candidates  drew equally  .

The election has been done in full transparency and easily under the supervision of the establishing committee of the Alumni Association including the university members as follows :

1-    Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida / the scientific assistant / head of committee

2-    Instructor Dr. Atyaf Abdulqahar Al-Ani / member

3-    Instructor Dr. Wisam Qaheer Al-Rawi / member

4-    Asst. instructor Ahmed Subhi Abdulghafoor / member

5-    Asst. instructor Sadad Hazim Abid / member



This excellent democratic practice came out with establishing the Association of University of Anbar Alumni which hugged an outstanding group of the university innovators in medicine , pharmacology , engineering , sciences , arts , culture and many other fields .Our best wishes to this association for more excellence in its duties in strengthening the ties between the university and society and in supporting the university alumni capacities and talents .


This excellent event was attended by the dean of Faculty of economics and the head of Information and Public Relations Dept. of the university .

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