University President on an Inspection Tour to the Headquarter Departments and Scientific and Research Centres

In Arabic
University President on an Inspection Tour to the Headquarter Departments and Scientific and Research Centres

 As part of his field trips to inspect the progress of  the restoration works  at the University Campus, Prof. Khalid Batal An-Najim, the University President conducted  an inspection tour for some of  the departments at the University Headquarter commenting  on all the jobs assigned to the administrative departments at the University Headquarter.

Then, he inspected the Centre for Renewable Energy Research and  was briefed on the future scientific and research achievements in the Centre, especially those regarding the installation of the solar powered  Mobile Intelligent Adapter Platforms and the possibility to  allocate them in the University Campus, especially at the dormitory.  

After that, the University President visited the  Development Centre of Upper Euphrates Basin and inspected the restoration works for the buildings and the laboratory equipments. He was  also briefed about the future strategic plan for the Centre. He concluded his inspection tour attending a basketball competition at the Sports Hall  as part of the championship between the Colleges and University Centres.

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