Council of Anbar University Holds its Third session for the Academic Year (2017-2018)

In Arabic
Council of Anbar University Holds its Third session for the Academic Year (2017-2018)

 Today Tuesday 12 Dec., 2017 under  presidency of  Prof. Dr. Khaled Batal  Al-Najm and the presence of his administrative and scientific assistants in addition to the deans of the colleges hosted by the College of Education for Humanities ,Council of Anbar University holds its third session for the academic year (2017-2018) .

          At the beginning of the session , the president of the university welcomed the members of the council after which he expressed his gratitude to the dean , teaching staff and employees of the College of Humanities for their hospitality .The instructions of his highness minister of Higher Education and Scientific research were stated through the 10th meeting of the Advisory Staff.

          The council took many recommendations and decisions including : Authenticating the minute of the minor committee of the university in regard to the desired specializations of the Academic leaves for the university's staff ,approval the plan of higher studies enrollment for the academic year (2018-2019) , recommending to initiate higher studies in some  the university's scientific departments and promoting some of the teaching staff to professor rank. 

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