Anbar University President's Great Victory Day Congratulations

In Arabic
Anbar University President's Great Victory Day Congratulations

 Congratulations of the president of Anbar University Prof. Dr. Khaled Batal Al-Najm for the occasion of the great victory over Da'ish ( ISIS) on Dec.13, 2017:

On my behalf and on behalf of all members of Anbar University, I am pleased and honored to present our sincerest congratulations to the Iraqi people and its valiant army and security forces on the occasion of the declaration of great victory on the terrorist Da'esh organization and the liberation of all the lands of our beloved country from its profanity. Glory and immortality to our righteous martyrs. Dignity, honor, and pride to our upstanding and resistant Iraq…We pray to God the Almighty to protect Iraq and its people  from any harm.

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