( Granting A Letter of Acknowledgement to the Researchers who Publish their Papers in Scientific Authentic Periodicals) President of Anbar University Orders

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( Granting A Letter of Acknowledgement to the Researchers who Publish their Papers in Scientific Authentic Periodicals)  President of Anbar University Orders

 Along with the scientific development taking place in our university and in order to encourage the authentic scientific research which is considered a  means of communication among societies,  a main factor in authenticating scientific reputation of universities and encouraging researches in this respect ,president of Anbar University prof. Dr.Khalid Bata Al-Najm directed to grant a Letter of Acknowledgement to a researcher who publishes two research papers in an authentic scientific periodical registered at Scopus database in one calendar year on one hand , and keeping on such procedure with the researcher who can publish a research paper  in an authentic scientific periodical registered at Thomson & Reuters database to enrich to the scientific progress and to publish authentic scientific researches be worthy of Anbar University .

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