Anbar University Celebrates Graduation of Its students 2016- 2017

In Arabic
Anbar University Celebrates Graduation of Its students 2016- 2017

 Under the auspices of his highness Prof. Dr. Abdulrazaq Al-Issa  minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the supervision of the president of Anbar University Prof. Dr. Khalid Batal Al-Najm and the attendance of Deputy minister of higher Education and scientific research for Administrative Affairs as a representative of the minister , University of Anbar celebrated the graduation ceremony of its students of the academic year 2016-2017 (Liberation & Construction Course  ) at the grand conferences hall at the university campus.

This celebration  comes along with the victories achieved by our heroic forces against the terroristic groups of ISIS .It is considered the first graduation celebration of the university after being back to its home premises in Ramadi after three years of displacement .

Well-organized groups of postgraduates ,the academic staff  of the university colleges , members of Anbar University Council members and University president entered the Conferences Hall , announcing their CVs .

The Iraqi National Anthem and Anbar University 's  were played after reciting some holy Verses of the Glorious  Quran and Fatiha chapter  to souls of Iraqi martyrs  .Then a film narrated the story of challenge and steadfastness of Anbar University and its foundation  date entitled  University of Anbar …An Everlasting Experience .It was produced by Dept. of Media & General Relationships .

The president of Anbar University presented his speech " Today we meet again in this academic celebration ceremony after three of displacement .The university  endeavors rapidly  to attain the academic distinction " ; affirming that the university has got( 61 ) grade of the Arab Universities  Ranking and  the 7th of the  Iraqi  Ranking .It could upped 30 grades  and this achievement is hard to attain .He added that we had begun strategic plans and articulate vision after the liberation of the university :"Now we celebrate the graduation of our students along with the victories of our security forces against the terroristic groups of ISIS (Bats of Darkness) ".

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Sarraj  ; representative of the minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research,  conveyed the regards and congratulations of his highness to the postgraduates of (Liberation & Construction Course) .He also assured the heroic role of our security forces to liberate the Iraqi territories .He summarized the policy of the university concerning the scientific research , administrative reformation , insisting on universities independence and decision , eradicating corruption , developing the teaching methods , giving a special interest to the private colleges , supporting the newly- opened universities in addition to cultivate the employees scientifically and administratively  .The postgraduates gave their speech in this occasion .

Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida , the scientific assistant invited the university president to grant a Bachelor certificates after giving their oath  , whereas the postgraduates of the College of Medicine gave their oath after the dean Prof. Dr. Thaker Mohammed Mohsin .

The top postgraduates received presents given by the representative of the minister of higher education and scientific research .Past that the president of the university handed the University Honor Shield to  the representative of the minister of higher education and scientific research .Furthermore , the top postgraduates received presents from a number of governmental officials .

In return , the president of the university handed the University Honor Shield to the president of Fallujah University , president of Summer University and the president of Al-Iraqia University .Nevertheless , the Association of Journalists handed Honor Shield to  the president of the university .

Many member of the Iraqi parliament , a number of  presidents of Iraqi universities , commander of Anbar Operation ,head of Anbar Police , a number of security commanders , members of Anbar governorate council , heads of service departments of the governorate in addition to the teaching staff and a great number of the university students .

On the sideline of the celebration , a press conference was held through which many questions had been asked about the future of the university .   

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