Undersecretary of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, accompanied by the President Inspect the rehabilitation and reconstruction work at University of Anbar

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Undersecretary of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, accompanied by the President Inspect the rehabilitation and reconstruction work at University of Anbar

 On the sidelines of the celebration of the graduation ceremony of University of Anbar students batch (29), the liberation and construction, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Mohammed Al-Sarraj, accompanied by the President of the University, Professor Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim, and the President of Sumer University, Professor Dr. Qassem Nayef Alwan inspected the ongoing rehabilitation works and reconstruction work at the university site and aware of the rates of achievement and appreciated at the same time the efforts of the presidency of the University in the same regard and listened to a detailed explanation of the President of the University on the stages of the work of these projects that which are carried out with the highest engineering specifications under the supervision of the engineering owners of the University.

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