President of Anbar University visits College of Medicine and meets the teaching staff of the college

In Arabic
President of Anbar University visits College of Medicine and meets the teaching staff of the college

Anbar university president, Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim visited the college of medicine and was received by the dean of the college, Assist. Prof. Dr. Thakir Mohammad Mohsin, and his assistants. During the visit Prof. Al-Najim attended a presentation by Assist. Prof. Dr. Adnan Hammad Mhaidi, head of anatomy & histology department, on the anatomage table which is one of the most technologically advanced anatomy visualization systems for anatomy and histology education . Anbar university college of medicine is one of the few Iraqi colleges of medicine to adopt this rare system.

In a relevant context and on the fringe of the visit Prof. Al-Najim met the teaching and sub staff of the college to consider their needs, overcome difficulties, and listening to their views and suggestions to improve the performance of the college and scaling up its scientific and scholarly status.

The meeting was attended by the dean of the college, Assist. Prof. DR. Thakir Mohammad Mohsin, the scientific assistant, Dr. Noor Naji, directors of media & public relations department and quality assurance & academic accreditation department of the university headquarters

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