Anbar University President Meets University Representatives Who Won the Elections of Iraqi Academics Syndicate

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Anbar University President Meets University Representatives Who Won the Elections of Iraqi Academics Syndicate

 Anbar University President Meets University Representatives Who Won the Elections of Iraqi Academics Syndicate


Anbar university president, Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim, met the university academics who won the elections of Iraqi Academics Syndicate. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Neda, Vice- president for Scientific Affairs. Prof. Al-Najim congratulated the winners, wishing them success in their pursuit to serve university academics in the governorate. He called for more effective university preparations for the next stage to have its due share of academic presence. The meeting was also attended by the provisional committee for the central conference to elect the members of the first assembly of the Iraqi Academic Syndicate.

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