Scientific Vice-Presidents Holds a Meeting

In Arabic
Scientific Vice-Presidents Holds a Meeting

Anbar University vice-president for scientific affairs, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, held an important meeting with the central committee on the implementation and follow-up of the chemical safety and security program and the qualification of scientific cadres in the university. The meeting discussed the participation of the committee in the workshops held in Baghdad by an advanced international team in this field and the role of the university in this activity. An agreement was made to organize an intensive schedule of theoretical and applied workshops and symposia which would be inaugurated with a central symposium on 14/10/2017. The duties of the committee are to be carried by work teams composed of the members of the committee itself in the colleges concerned. At the close of the meeting Prof. Al- Neda expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of the committee to to promote the edifice of the university and the great keenness to rank it high among advanced universities.

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