Anbar University President Inaugurates English Language and computers Laboratories in the College of Education for Women

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 Anbar University President Inaugurates English Language and computers Laboratories in the College of Education for Women

 Anbar University President Inaugurates English Language and computers Laboratories in the College of Education for Women


On Thursday 26/10/2017, Anbar university president, Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim, inaugurated the English language and Computers laboratories in the College of Education for Women. The inauguration was attended by the dean of the college Prof. Dr. Nasra Uhmaid Jadwe.

Mr. President delivered a lecture in English to the 4th year students of the English department. A discussion was followed with the attending students.

On the sidelines of the inauguration Mr. President checked the laboratories of the scientific departments in the college and the on-going reconstruction and rehabilitation works.

His Excellency the president of the university held an extended meeting with the teaching staff of the college. During the meeting he listened with transparency and whole-heartedly to their presentations in order to take account of the obstacles they face and to reach a common understanding of the whereabouts of the academic process in the university.

He stressed the importance and determination of the university to authenticate the scientific research of the teaching staff of the university to meet the standards of international publication in order to raise the credit of the university on the level of the quality standards of international universities. He also explained the exceptional circumstances of the university in the light of the zero budgets but, he made clear, the spirit of insistence and challenge of the academics and students is far greater than the material resources.

At the end of the meeting his Excellency praised the dean and the teaching staff of the college for the efforts they exerted in the teaching process.

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