Address of Anbar University President at the University 2nd scientific Conference

In Arabic
Address of Anbar University President at the University 2nd scientific Conference

 Address of Anbar University President at the University 2nd scientific Conference


In the name of Allah, the merciful, the compassionate

Ladies and Gentlemen of the audience ..                                                                           Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of Allah be upon you

Allah blesses you with welfare and blessings….and Good morning

This is one of the mornings of challenge and donorship in the long journey of work and persistence to distinguish and elevate Anbar university.

It is a pleasure and pride cherishing matter that Anbar university holds this conference via its college of science, the college that produced many scientists, supported other colleges in the university, and extended its cooperation to all ministries and institutions in Iraq, notably, the joint conference with the petroleum products distribution company-Anbar branch, entitled " Science and Energy are the bases of Reconstruction". It is also a great pleasure that this conference is held in the wake of the university victorious return home to its original site after a three years of hard and exceptional conditions of forced displacement and the zero budgets during this period. This is really the first conference ever to be held after the return of the college home. Thanks be to Allah Who granted us the strength, patience, and persistence to overcome these hard conditions and turn them into positive forces to achieve success and excellence. And this what really happened by all accounts.

In spite of all these compelling circumstances the scientific process of the university was going up steadily as the university ranked higher among Iraqi and Arab universities and this achievement was never paralleled by any other stable and prosperous Iraqi university. In this hash context Anbar university succeeded to go on with no time loss for its students who were able to carry on their academic study in the university. Three classes graduated from university alternate sites during the three years of enforced displacement.

And in spite of the huge amount of destruction that the university received it did not give up but rolled up the sleeves of its affiliates and threw itself into reconstruction with the initiation of its gradual return home through the intrinsic strengths of the college and university presidency and the constant cooperation of the university presidency with different supporting parties. Some projects were completed and some others are in the finishing process. Many thanks to the ministry of higher education and scientific research for its unlimited support within the limits of the available resources. Gratitude and appreciation is to be extended to UNDP program in Iraq, Reconstruction of Affected Areas Fund, and the ministry of immigrants and displaced for their support and help during the period of forced displacement and beyond. University presidency succeeded, through hard efforts on all parties and levels, to carry rehabilitation works that cannot be said as perfect but comply to the acceptable standards of the university academic and scientific process and its mission in society. This is, therefore, an open call upon all governmental and non-governmental institutions to help the the university and contribute to its reconstruction because the university is the production line which contributes proficiencies in all disciplines to society, especially in the light of the current economic and financial situation of the country and the zero budgets, so to speak.

We are here today standing firmly of the land of Anbar, the land of welfare, dignity, and pride, to restore the academic process to its right course and fully apply the university slogan "University in the service of society". This blessed conference is but an incarnation of this slogan. We call openly on all to cooperate in the rebuilding of the university and the stability of Iraq. Anbar university adopted a strategy for work on and off campus to achieve openness and cooperation with all the institutions of the governorate and beyond because the university's great potential of human resources as represented by its presitegious cadre of researchers, academics, and advisory bureaus in various disciplines. We repeat our call upon all to cooperate and integrate in order to serve our country and our governorate.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the audience,

It is impossible to celebrate and hold academic festivals in this university without marking the huge sacrifices of the members of our armed forces of all its categories which culminated in the liberation of the university from the claws of terrorism with their odorous blood and precious souls. We pray to Allah to forgive and lay mercy upon their souls and all the souls of those who defended the university in the late terrorist attack.

Mercy and Immortality for the martyrs

Soon recovery to the wounded

Patience and solace to their parents

Many thanks to the organizers of this conference, notably, the scientific and logistic committees of the conference and the esteemed researchers for their participation and enriching the conference with their valuable papers which should find their out of journals and books to application and to be useful to others. Our thanks and gratitude to the dean of the college of science, director of petroleum products distribution company, and the teams working with them for their efforsts to hold this important conference.

Thanks and welcome to the honored guests attending the proceedings of the conference. Our sincerest wishes for the conference to succeed and our prayers to Almighty God to protect and guide you to your best.



Finally, we say that the university upon returning to Anbar society has developed a great desire to work off campus and be open to the institutions of the governorate as a venue to contribute in the building, reconstruction, and invest its potentials by interlocking with the various disciplines and experts of the university.

Lastly, we applaud the organizers of this conference, wishing that it comes up with results and recommendations with positive effects on the development of the governorate society and human development in the public interest.

May Allah Protect Iraq and its good and original people

Peace, Mercy, and Blessings of Allah be upon you


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