Anbar University President Meets Committee for University Investment Plan

In Arabic
Anbar University President Meets Committee for University Investment Plan

 Anbar University President Meets Committee for University Investment Plan


Anbar university president, Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal al-Najim, met the committee in charge of the preparation of the university investment projects plan which shall be offered to prospective investors in the next stage.

The meeting discussed the mechanism to prepare all the requirements and means to select and qualify projects for investment in the university, the attainment of their planned goals, and their economic feasibility.

Valuable observations were made by the university president on making full use of the university scientific and human resources in the next stage and the role of media in advertising such investment opportunities.

The committee in charge comprised a number of academics and specialists from the college of engineering, college of administration & economics, projects management department, desert studies center, and department of media  & public relations of the university headquarters.

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