Anbar University Holds Its 2nd Scientific Conference

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Anbar University Holds Its 2nd Scientific Conference

 Anbar University Holds Its 2nd Scientific Conference


In cooperation with petruleum Products Distribution Company-Anbar branch, College of Science at Anbar university held on Tuesday, 24/10/2017, its 2nd scientific conference entitled "Science and Energy are the Bases of Reconstruction" on the university grand conference hall from 24 to 25 October 2017.

The conference was inaugurated with a recitation of the holy Quran, followed by the Iraqi national anthem, reading Sura of Fatiha to the souls of Iraq martyrs, then Anbar university anthem was played.

In a speech delivered by Anbar university president Prof. dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim pointed out the significance of this conference especially in the light of the university return to its original site in Ramadi, stressing that universities are the basic center of academic and applied research and the production line to develop the societies by contributing qualified cadres in different scientific disciplines for the economic, social, and cultural advancement of these societies. Accordingly, Anbar university seeks to establish strong bonds of cooperation with all the institutions of the governorate, offering them the university expertise they need especially through the advisory bureaus of the university. Prof. Al-Najim added that in spite of the three years of  forced displacement the university made significant achievements, notably, ranking 61st among Arab universities and the 7th among its Iraq peers according to the international ranking QS. Prof. Al-Najim states that the university moves forward to rehabilitate and reconstruct the damages brought by terrorism. He expressed his appreciation of the support presented to the university by UN development program which contributed substantially in the qualification and maintenance of some of the university facilities. He also extended his gratitude and appreciation to UNDP Iraq and all the individuals and institutions that helped convening this scientific conference.

A speech was followed by Dr. Faisal Mukhlef Mohammad, director of Petroleum Products distribution company and the head of the logistic committee of the conference. Dr. Mukhlef spoke on the significance of the conference and the conditions that led to its convening. He thanked the presidency of Anbar university for hosting the conference. Another speech was followed by Assist. Prof. Dr. Muthana Mohammad Awad, head of the scientific committee of the conference. He spoke on the importance of the papers presented to the conference and their value to society in the light of the scientific  and technological advance. A documentary, entitled "We the steadfast-We the Silent", made by the petruleum products distribution company was shown. It's about the importance of petroleum, its uses in industry, its extraction, and the role of the company to secure all oil products to citizens and society.

The conference comprised many topics: the first dealt with improvement and development of petroleum section with particular focus on reconstruction and rehabilitation of petroleum sites, improvement and development of petroleum products, development of petroleum machinery, and best utilization of Ukaz natural gas field. The second topic dealt with awareness-raising and guidance, which comprised health and safety of petroleum sector workers and rationalization of consumption. The third topic was management of human resources development and economic feasibility of filing stations. The fourth topic was environmental pollution of petroleum products and treatment means. The fifth topic was the legal protection of petroleum wealth.

The conference was attended by many top officials of the governorate, security leaders, Anbar governorate council members, assistants of Anbar university president, deans of colleges, academics and students. The conference aims at exchange knowledge and expertise, provide access to the latest research and other scientific development relevant to the work of petroleum products distribution company, explore the chances to make use and invest the academic and technical potentials in the public and private distribution sector in all petroleum sites and levels in order to optimize the performance of its workers  and the ideal rehabilitation of the human resources in the distribution and delivery of the product to all citizens in the governorate. The conference also explored the opportunities to make use of the university expertise in the fields of development and management and cross fertilization among researchers in order to devise the means to advance the peruleum sector through the employment of modern technology and research.


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