Anbar University President Inaugurates the Rehabilitated Building of the College of Engineering Deanery

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Anbar University President Inaugurates the Rehabilitated Building of the College of Engineering Deanery

 Anbar University President Inaugurates the Rehabilitated Building of the College of Engineering Deanery


Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim, president of Anbar University, inaugurated today, 16/10/2016, the building of the College of Engineering Deanery which was rehabilitated and maintained after receiving heavy damages during military operations. Prof. Al-Najim was received by the dean of the college of engineering, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Jumaily, and a number of the college teaching staff. Prof. Al-Najim toured the campus of the college and visited its scientific and administrative departments. Talking to the staff and students of the college, Prof. Al-Najim, stressed the commitment to regulations and rules, calling all to exert all efforts for the advancement of our students and to make this academic year highly successful to serve the academic pursuit of our university and our unified dear Iraq. 

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