Anbar University President Receives Anbar Mayor and UNDP Director

In Arabic
Anbar University President Receives Anbar Mayor and UNDP Director

 Anbar University President Receives Anbar Mayor and UNDP Director


Anbar University President Prof. Khalid Battal Al-Najim received this morning, 9/10/2017, in his office Anbar Mayor, engineer Mohammad Al-Halbousi and Ms. Lize Grande, UNDP director in Iraq. Prof. Al-Najim reviewed with the visiting delegates the plans set to reconstruct and rehabilitate the facilities of Anbar University. The visiting delegates toured the university campus and inaugurated some of the 28 projects sponsored by the UNDP like the reconstructed Desert Study Center, Students Hostels Complex, College of Engineering Workshops, Central Library, and Reconstruction & Projects building.

A press conference was held at the end of the tour on the university headquarters. Prof. Al-Najim and his two guests spoke on the number and nature of the planned and executed projects in the reconstruction of Anbar University. Announcement was made that the destroyed university bridge shall be reconstructed by UNDP in the near future because of its vital importance for the university.

Throughout the tour and inauguration, the visiting delegates were accompanied by the directors of Anbar University Presidency Departments and the chief engineers of the Reconstruction & Projects department and Maintenance & Services Department.

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