University of Anbar Signs cooperation agreement with the reconstruction fund of affected areas

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University of Anbar Signs cooperation agreement with the reconstruction fund of affected areas

 University of Anbar Signs cooperation agreement with the reconstruction fund of affected areas


 University of Anbar signed a cooperation agreement with the reconstruction fund of the areas affected by the terrorist operations. Priority is given to the university in the implementation of plans for strategic reconstruction and development stages set by the fund.

On Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 university of Anbar signed a cooperation agreement with the reconstruction fund of areas affected by terrorists operations

The agreement was signed by the University President Professor Khalid Battal Al-Najim and by the director of the Fund Dr. Mustafa Mohammed Amin Al-Hiti.

The agreement specifies that University of Anbar should be given a priority in the implementation of strategically and developmentally important reconstruction plans in the Fund's program. It also specifies that the two said parties agree to expand mutual cooperation and benefit by way of exchanging professional expertise in all technical, scientific, medical, and engineering fields, all accumulated experiences, and active participation of both parties in conferences, symposia, and workshops.  

 The agreement also provided that the fund assists the university efforts to open up to the advanced countries, high-caliber international universities, and other international organizations of relevance.

The signing ceremony was attended by Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jumaily, dean of the college of engineering and the head of the engineering and advisory bureau in the university.


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