President of the University of Anbar visited the University of Baghdad on August 20th 2017

In Arabic
President of the University of Anbar visited the University of Baghdad on August 20th 2017

“President of the University of Anbar visited the University of Baghdad on August 20th 2017”

  Recognition for nice to the hosting of our University throughout the period of displacement, the president of University of Anbar visited the University of Baghdad and present the gratitude for their noble attitudes


The President of University of Anbar, Professor Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim accompanied by his assistants for administrative affairs Prof. Dr. Aref Saleh Mukhlf and scientific affairs Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Al-Neda visited the presidency of the University of Baghdad on Sunday, August 20th, 2017, and they were met the president of the University of Baghdad Professor Dr. Alaa Abdul-Hussain Abdul Rasool and his assistants for administrative and scientific affairs.

As a kind of gratitude the University of Baghdad for its ‘noble and genuine attitudes’ to host our university for a period of three years of displacement at the site of the college of Agriculture in Abu Ghraib.

In addition to, it provided support and assistance to our students from the Bachelor and Graduate studies and provide the laboratories for their research projects, supervision and for the hosting; the President of University of Anbar presented the ‘shield of the University’ to the President of the University of Baghdad in appreciation of these genuine attitudes.

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