President of University of Anbar visited the commander of Baghdad operations accompanied by the assistants

In Arabic
President of University of Anbar visited the commander of Baghdad operations accompanied by the assistants

 President of University of Anbar visited the commander of Baghdad operations accompanied by the assistants

 As a kind of appreciation to support the security of the university and to facilitate the transmission of the university employees of the Baghdad residents

  After our university ‘had folded the displacement page’ and completed its ‘return’ to its original site in Ramadi. The president of the university of Anbar Professor Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najm accompanied by the assistants of scientific and administrative affairs visited the commander of Baghdad operations in his official office. 

As a kind of appreciation of security support of the operations command for our university in Baghdad site during the displacement period, the president of the university presented ‘the shield of the University Anbar’ to the commander of the operations.

The two parties discussed the ways to facilitate the transmission of the university employees of Anbar from Baghdad to Ramadi and versa. After the transfer of the university to its original site in Ramadi and moreover, to the continued of our employees with the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad, they are facing difficulties in crossing the checkpoint of the Al-squkuor.

It has been agreed to facilitate the traffic of buses for public transportation and from a combined transport garage as defined in terms of affiliation as well as the name of the driver’s and the starting time of vehicles for easily inferred. Besides, Baghdad operations command will be provided by the names and numbers of the common transport company bus that can be handled by our university to facilitate the transmission of faculty members.

This step comes from ‘the Presidency of the university’ in the context of serious striving and higher interest and according to the possibilities available to ‘find appropriate solutions’ and ‘overcome obstacles’ to the university employees.














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