Anbar University holds a central ceremony in celebration of the great victory of Mosul

In Arabic
Anbar University holds a central ceremony in celebration of the great victory of Mosul

 ‘University of Anbar holds a central ceremony on the occasion of the great victory in liberating the city of Mosul’

July 20th, 2017

Under the auspices and attendance of the President of  University of Anbar Professor Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim and in combination with the activities of the Victory Week launched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

The University on Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 held a major celebration in the hall of Naji Tawfiq for conferences at the presidency of the university, on the occasion of the liberation of Mosul from the clutches of the terrorist.

The ceremony was attended by the Commander of the 6th Division of the Iraqi Army, The Major-General Ahmed Salim Bahjat, and university staffs, including both assistants of the President of the University for administrative and scientific affairs, the deans of colleges, directors of departments, faculty members, employees and students.

The ceremony began with the Iraq national anthem, recitation of Holy Quran and the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha in honor of the martyrs of Iraq. Adding to gave poetry, poems of of all kinds of the heroes of the Iraqi army and our security forces, who wrote the most glorious epics of sacrifice in defending the homeland and liberating its lands from the crime of  ISIS gangs.

On this occasion, the President of the University delivered a speech of great victory in the liberation of Mosul, Al-Hadba city, which he described as a remarkable day in Iraq history, as the security forces achieved great tournaments and sacrifices for the sake of Liberate the homeland from terrorist gangs.

He also explained that this celebration coincides with the joy of the return of our university to its original site in Ramadi, he highlighted that this was achieved by the bravery and sacrifices of our security forces’. Additionally, the ceremony featured ‘a live drawing’ in front of the audience, the body of the great victory of our security forces in Mosul.

At the end of the ceremony, the President of the University honored the university's shield and appreciation certificates to the Commander of the sixth division and other security leaders. Besides, the ceremony included a stand that brought together guests, professors, staff and university students with the joy of victory. 

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