Council of Anbar University held its ninth session

In Arabic
Council of Anbar University held its ninth session

Prof. Khaled Battal Al-Najem , president of Anbar university, presided the 9th session of Anbar university council for the academic year 2016-2017 on Saturday 20/5/2017. The session was hold in the college of medicine in the Ramadi site of the university. It was attended by vice president for administrative affairs prof. Aaref Saleh Mukhlef and the deans of the colleges.

 The council discussed the issues on its schedule, notably, ongoing preparations for 2nd course examinations which shall take place simultaneously on both sites and readying the requirements for smooth and ordered execution. A decision was made to carry forward the date of the examination one day to be on next Wednesday.

The council also discussed the extension requests by postgraduate candidates. Mr. President stressed the need of assistant instructors to apply for promotion for the title of instructor to avoid legal proceedings against them. Mr. President also directed to study the situation of Methods of Teaching centre and finds out the means to develop it.

The council discussed the recommendations of the university advisory body and those of the academic integrity committee to authenticate the academic journals of the university. Finally, Mr. President thanked the members of the council for their attendance and the great efforts they exert to bring about the success of the educational and teaching process in the 2nd course, praying to God to help them to their good.

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