Al-Qaim Faculty of Education held scientific symposium

In Arabic
Al-Qaim Faculty of Education held scientific symposium

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Al Najim, University of Anabr President, and the auspices of Prof. Dr. Farhan, Education College/Qaim Dean, Quran Sciences Department held a held a scientific symposium entitled "The Role of Shari'a in the Preservation of the Security and Stability of Communities" at Naji Tawfiq Conference Hall in the University of Anbar alternative location in Baghdad (Abu Ghraib).

A number of college deans, scientific and administrative department heads as well as a large number of university students also attended the symposium.

The symposium addressed four issues;

1.                  “The role of Islamic education in the assessment of the individual and the society” presented by Dr. Abdul Jabbar Hamid Saleh.

2.                  “The prophetic approach to establishing the values of good citizenship in 3. the Islamic community” presented by Dr. Khalil Nuri Musihar,

3.                  “The orientation of the religious discourse to confront extremism” Asst. Prof. D. Kadour Ahmed Thamer.


4.                  4.   “The impact of Criminal Laws on preserving Security and Stability of Communities” presented by Dr. Ra’ad Fajr.

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