AL-Mustansiriya Medical College Conference

In Arabic
 AL-Mustansiriya Medical College Conference

Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal AL-Najim, Anbar University president, attended the twelfth medical conference of AL-Mustansryah university, which was held at Palestine International Hotel in 23/3/ 2017. University president has been honored the conference shield by Prof. Dr. Sadiq AL-Hamash, AL-Mustansiriya University President who was grateful for the attendance of Dr. AL-Najim. AL-Najim delivered a speech during the conference saying “We Thank You in the Name of Iraq”. The president has expressed his sincere thanks to AL-Mustansiriya University, College of Medicine for hosting Anbar Medicine College.

Prof. Dr. Khaled Battal AL-Najim has bestowed Anbar University Shield to Prof. Dr. Sadiq AL-Hamash, AL-Mustansiriya University President. Asst. Prof. For his part, Dr. Ziyad Hammad, Dean of the College of Medicine presented the shields to the Dean of AL-Mustansiriya Medicine College and his assistants. A group of Anbar Medicine College instructors has also attended the conference.



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