With the beginning of New Year, relief committee in both Anbar and Fallujah University distributed an aid for displaced

In Arabic
With the beginning of New Year, relief committee in both Anbar and Fallujah University distributed an aid for displaced

 Under the direct guidance and supervision of Prof. Dr. Mohammed al-Hamdani, University of Anbar and Fallujah organized the fourth relief campaign under the slogan (warmer IDPs) to provide 700 rations included a blanket and carpets for displaced from Khalidiyah and Qaim Island.

It is worth mentioning that this campaign formed by employees of the two universities, so that the university has provided 3,350 meals, clothes and blankets as a help for the displaced. This campaign, however, was brought by the deans of Agriculture College, college of education for humanities, college of education for pure sciences and college of pharmacy in addition to participants from Fallujah University presented by Rector scientific and administrative assistants, the dean of college of Administration and Economics and group of instructors and employees.

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