A delegation from the University of Anbar visited Hashemite University in Jordan

In Arabic
A delegation from the University of Anbar visited Hashemite University in Jordan

 A delegation from the University of Anbar, headed by Prof. Khaled Battal visited Hashemite University in Jordan to participate in a workshop on how to get financial support for research faculty, cultural exchange, and international donor organizations in the academic development.

The workshop lasted for two days and the delegation met the president of Hashemite University. However, the president of the delegation on the behalf of University president presented a shield gifted to the Hashemite university president.

During the workshop, the president of Hashemite University welcomed the delegation and he said” we are ready to show a big cooperation with Anbar University and he briefed them on the University project concerning using cellar energy to cover all Hashemite needs of electricity. On other hands, Assist Prof Dr. Khalid Battal Al-Najim hoped that Anbar University will apply this project in our university soon.

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