The Council Considers the Requests of Originating Evening Studies 2017 - 2018

In Arabic
The Council Considers the Requests of Originating Evening Studies 2017 - 2018

 The Council of Anbar University in its second meeting of the academic year 2016 – 2017, considered the requests lodged by the colleges that desire to open Evening Studies in their Depts of the academic year (2017-2018), as shown below :

Names of Colleges and the Depts wishing to originate Evening Studies.

1.      College of Education for Girls (Depts of Biology and English).

2.      College of Education for Humanities (Depts of History, Geography, Qur'anic Science, and Arabic).

3.      College of Agriculture (Depts of Food Science, Field Crops, Horticulture, and Garden Engineering).

4.      College of Arts (Depts of English, Mass media and Geography).

5.      College of Administration and Economic (Dept of Accountancy).

6.      College of Islamic Science (Dept of Philology and Its Principles), Hadith (Prophetic Tradition) and Its Science, Creed and Islamic Invitation (Da`wah), Interpretation and  Qur'anic Science).

7.      College of Physical Education and Sport Science (Depts of Physical Education and Sport Science).

8.      College of Basic Education / Haditha District (Depts of Biology and Arabic).

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