Al-Anbar University Council Proposed Adding the Subject of (Profession Ethics) to the First Year Textbooks

In Arabic
Al-Anbar University Council Proposed Adding the Subject of (Profession Ethics) to the First Year Textbooks

 Al-Anbar university council proposed in its ninth session for the study year 2016 – 2017 to add a new study subject called (profession ethics) to the textbooks of the first year as part of the university certificate requirements. As this new subject represents an important aspect in the guiding and educational awareness, the university president (Prof. Dr. Mohammed Al-Hamadany) immediately urged that the syllabus of this subject is to be oriented to focus on the ethics related to the scientific and academic life for every specialization and the impact of knowledge in the society and its culture. He also ordered to compose a special committee for preparing the proposal and setting up a working directory for the committee in question.

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