Releasing the fifth Issue of the University Woman’s Magazine

In Arabic
Releasing the fifth Issue of the University Woman’s Magazine

The Woman's Affairs Committee at the University of Anbar released the fifth issue of the University Woman's Magazine in Arabic and English. It is an annual scientific and cultural magazine concerned with scientific, cultural, and literary topics, as well as being the voice of university woman in conveying her message, highlighting her role, and enhancing her status at all levels. Dr. Israa Adnan Abdel Jalil, head of the Woman’s Empowerment Unit, said that the unit will continue its path and push forward in empowering university woman, preserving her rights, and placing her in a position that befits her value, abilities, and sacrifices.

In turn, the President of the University affirmed that the feminist effort at the University of Anbar had a fundamental role in the successes achieved at the university, which was crowned by what we see today of university woman assuming leadership positions at both the administrative and academic levels. He offered his thanks and gratitude to university woman and the woman’s staff in the committee, hoping for more giving and progress in service to our dear university.



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