With the Project (Study in Iraq), The University Celebrates its International Students

In Arabic
With the Project (Study in Iraq), The University Celebrates its International Students

In attendance of the President of the University of Anbar Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Saleh Al-Neda, the Vice President for Administrative Affairs and the Vice President for Scientific  Affairs as well as the Deans of the Colleges, the University of Anbar has organized a welcome celebration for the international students who were accepted to study within the Initiative (Study in Iraq). In a speech delivered by him, the President of the University has welcomed the international students emphasizing that “this University is yours and you are among your people. The University's facilities are accessible for all those who want to acquire science and knowledge".

Then, on behalf of his colleagues, one of the international students has delivered a speech in which he extended his thanks and gratitude to the President of the University and to all affiliates for their efforts in providing all necessary services. A video was displayed embodying the life of one of the international students at the University. After that, the international students expressed their impression about their study life at the University, mentioning the most important issues. A discussion about these issues was held. The celebration was concluded with a banquet served by the University's Presidency in honor of the international students who expressed their great comfort to be among their beloved people.




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