Scientific and Academic Cooperation with Spanish Universities

In Arabic
Scientific and Academic Cooperation with Spanish Universities

The President of the University of Anbar, Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Saleh Al-Nida, has received Dr. Hussein Al-Rikabi, the Head of the Association for the Promotion of Iraqi-Spanish Relations and a staff member at the University of Cordoba/Spain. The visit aims to open horizons of scientific and academic cooperation between the University of Anbar and the Spanish universities. The President of the University of Anbar welcomed this visit and expressed the great desire of the University of Anbar to open horizons for scientific and academic cooperation through signing memorandums of understanding with discreet Spanish universities, activating research programs and exchanging expertise between the two parties. These activities are hoped to begin during an official delegation's visit to Spanish universities based on the official invitations handed to the President of the University to visit Spanish universities, including the University of Granada, University of Cordoba, University of Seville and University of Valencia.

Dr. Al-Rikabi expressed his appreciation of the University of Anbar’s interest towards partnerships and international cooperation, pointing to the efforts to increase cultural exchanges represented by scholarships and fellowships awarded to Iraqi students in Spanish universities to get the PhD in a number of scientific disciplines, or to send staffs at the University of Anbar to Spanish universities within the recent initiative launched by His Excellency the Prime Minister regarding the activating the scholarship program and sending the Iraqi students to study abroad over the coming years.
The visiting delegation expressed its admiration and appreciation of the distinctive scientific and construction achievements the University of Anbar has witnessed.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Thaer Shaker Mahmoud, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies, and Dr. Duraid Moayed Abd, Director of the Scholarships and Cultural Relations Department at the University Presidency.





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