The University Council holds its first session for the new academic year

In Arabic
The University Council holds its first session for the new academic year

The University Council has held its first open session for the academic year 2022/2023 at nine o’clock this morning, Monday 26/9/2022, in the meeting room in the new Deanship of the College of Education for Human Sciences, headed by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Nada, and the discussion of the session revolved around the following topics:

1. Congratulations to the College of Education for Human Sciences, represented by the Dean of the College, on the occasion of the opening of the building of the Deanship of the College after its rehabilitation and repair of the damage caused by the occupation of the University by ISIS.

2. The President of the University directed the faculties to have the best preparation for the start of the new academic year, and to confirm the regularity of working hours from today to start working hours corresponding to 2/10/2022, and to confirm the completion of the lecture schedules and announcing them to our students before the mentioned date.

3. Emphasis on the necessity of following up the students dormitoryand achieving field visits to them by the ladies and gentlemen of the council members on a regular basis to see the reality of these departments and to meet the needs of our students.

4. Emphasis on maintaining parks and green spaces in all university formations to create an optimal university environment for our students.

5. Promote a group of university instructors to have the rank of a professor.

5. Discussing some of the important topics included in the session's agenda and taking appropriate recommendations and decisions in their regard.



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