The University President Tributes High-Achieving Students, Sons of Professors and Staffs in the University

In Arabic
The University President Tributes High-Achieving Students, Sons of Professors and Staffs in the University

Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Saleh Al-Neda, president of the university, tributed the high-achieving sons of professors and staff in the primary, intermediate and secondary schools with certificates of appreciation and symbolic gift of the university’s logo. The celebration took place in the presence of the university vice-president for administrative and scientific affairs and members of the university council.

The university president had a statement in the event and said " I stand here today with happiness, joy and proud to honor this distinguished constellation, sons of the teaching and professional staff. They are truly the future candles and effective tools of change for the best". His presidency showed his support to the students and highlight their distinguished efforts and added "You have the right to be proud of your parents for being standing pillars and edifices of knowledge".


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