University of Anbar President Visit For The Sessions of Moderation Conference In Number of Colleges

In Arabic
University of Anbar President Visit For The Sessions of Moderation Conference In Number of Colleges


Thursday, 24th March, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Saleh Al-Nada, president of the university, accompanied by the both vice-presidents for administrative and scientific Affairs visited the college of Arts, Administration and Economics, Education for Humanities, Islamic Sciences, Law and center for strategic studies for attending the scientific sessions of the 2nd International Conference For Moderation. The university president appreciated the scientific contributions that was discussed and focused on the role of peaceful coexistence and socialization in building peace, the role of religious moderation in building peace, the role of law and moderate political discourse in building peace and the contemporary state, and psychological educational sciences and their impact on achieving moderation and peacebuilding and the impact of economic and administrative factors on Achieving social justice and strategies for achieving moderation, peace-building and the contemporary state, the media and its role in moderation and peace-building and the contemporary state.

The university president extended his thanks and appreciation to the participants and organizers of the conference. In turn, the guests of the university from inside and outside Iraq expressed their overwhelming happiness for the hospitality and reception, presenting thanks to the university president, vice-presidents and all staffs.


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