Two Instructors from the Colleges of Sciences and Pharmacy got a Patent

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Two Instructors from the Colleges of Sciences and Pharmacy got a Patent

The two instructors from the College of Science / Department of Chemistry Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mish'al Mohammed and Asst. Prof. Dr. Yousif Hendy Khalef from the College of Pharmacy got a patent marked "Designing a new system for preparing Nano Carbon by different shapes where the idea relies on designing a system in which the waste oil use the synthetic oils in producing three forms of carbon which have symbols of ( A, B and C), where the form (A) produces semi asphalt carbonic compound, whereas the form( B) produces a carbonic compound by a size ranging from ( 110-64 nm) which was used in preparing multi-walls nano carbonic pipes by using ultrasonic technique, while the form (C) produces the nano carbonic compounding known by Fullerene (C60) directly by a nano size ranging from ( 48.2-73.69 nm). The resulted nano compounds were applied in the treatment of prostate cancer with the use of a technique of thermal treatment by using infra-red laser beams(NIR) with a cancer cells and the highest percent killing has been obtained which amounted ( %58.6) at the concentration of ( 25 micro gram/ ml) with a time amounted 10 minutes .




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