The Presidency of #University_of_Anbar announces the start of applying for #postgraduate_studies for the academic year 2022/2023

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The Presidency of #University_of_Anbar announces the start of applying for #postgraduate_studies for the academic year 2022/2023


The Presidency of University of Anbar announces the start of applying for postgraduate studies for the academic year 2022/2023 and through the website of University of Anbar:

The application starts from today, Tuesday, 1/3/2022 and ends on Monday 3/4/2022, according to the announced and fixed dates in the regulations for applying and admission to graduate studies inside Iraq for the academic year 2022/2023, for the work of the admission plan about (364) seats, (185) seats for the general admission and (179) seats for the private expense, In seventy-three study programs distributed among the higher diploma, master and Ph degrees. In response to the coincidence of some of the timing and subsequent procedures for applying with the blessed month of Ramadhan, the Ministry of Higher Education decided to update the date of the competitive examination and set its date, starting from Monday, 16/5/20222 for medical and engineering displines, and passing on Tuesday 17/5/2022 for the pure sciences, agricultural, veterinary and administrative sciences and economics, and finally on Wednesday 18/5/2022 for the humanities and social sciences

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