Awareness and Counselling Lectures for the University Accommodation Students at University of Anbar Presented by a Group of University Professors

In Arabic
Awareness and Counselling Lectures for the University Accommodation Students at University of Anbar Presented by a Group of University Professors


Under the guidance of the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Mushtak Taleb Al-Neda, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muthanna Muhammad Awwad, Asst. President for scientific affairs, and accompanied by Prof. Dr. Salam Abed Fayyadh Al-Hassan, director of the University Accommodation Affairs, a delegation of our university professors formed to visit the the University Accommodation students of medical colleges and college of Agriculture in coordination with the Social Research Section in the Department of the University Accommodation Affairs and the Psychological and Educational Counselling Department at the University Presidency of to provide awareness and counselling lectures for the University Accommodation students according to the drawn plan and in order to create a conscious scientific generation that serves the scientific process pursued by University of Anbar  under the current circumstances and to keep its students away from all the temptations that their scientific path was shaded. The professors were distributed to the accommodation according to the plan and the prescribed curriculum to present important topics to the students in order to educate, counsel and protect them from the dangers of drugs, and their positive behavior in the face of daily problems, despite the intellectual differences that the students must respect through the objective discussion of that, and their social integration and harmony. In addition to introducing them to the relationship of optimism and pessimism in building the student’s personality, and how to avoid some cases such as electronic blackmail, gossip, and transmission of words. The professors emphasized the development of skills and talents of students through encouragement and support from those in charge of the University Accommodation and employees of the Social Research section.

Counselling students continued in the late hours of the night under the supervision of the Director of the Department of the University Accommodation Affairs and in the presence of Dr. Anas Majid Shahoudh, the Assistant Director of Student Affairs, and Mr. Thamer Khalaf Al-Dulaimi from the Social Research Section, the Secretary of the University Accommodation, the Follow-up Officer, and the staff of the Social Research and Evening Supervision Section.

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